Home Delivery Services Protocols


Delivery Carrier Requirements:                  
  • Wearing mask is not required in outdoor or indoor areas, but it is recommended to wear it indoors.
  • It is recommended for delivery guys to wash their hands or use sanitizers before, during, and after the process of picking up and delivering orders.


Food Establishment Requirements:
  • Tools used in the delivery process must be sterilized after each operation (bags used in the delivery, payment devices, and others).
  • Separate and pack food items with different elements and characteristics.
  • Pack the order tightly and securely and place an adhesive sealing on it.


Delivery Requirements to Consumer:
  • Prevent handshakes when handing out orders.
  • Urge customers to not accept the order if it is not sealed or appears to be open.
  • Encourage electronic methods of payment and explain it to clients before completing the order
  • The customer should dispose of the packaging bag in a healthy and safe manner immediately.