Water activities and cruises

Entering must be limited to fully vaccinated individuals according to the health status in Tawakkalna application (Immune), except for the groups who are not obligated to take the vaccine as appears in Tawakkalna application.


Environment and prevention

General regulations

  • Entering must be limited to fully vaccinated individuals according to the health status in Tawakkalna application (Immune), except for the groups who are not obligated to take the vaccine as appears in Tawakkalna application.
  • Allow the use of full capacity and cancel social distancing.
  • Environmental surfaces must be disinfected every day and after each use during the work period, with focusing on places where there is a high potential for contact such as, the reception station, pilot cabins for yachts and ships, seats, waiting areas, door handles, dining tables, and seat cushions, etc.
  • Remove dirt with soap and water before each disinfection process. Disinfection instructions are included in “The practical guide for cleaning and disinfecting of public facilities to combat COVID-19 infection” that issued by the Public Health Authority.
  • Disinfect the toilets every day with approved disinfectants.
  • A schedule of disinfection times for surfaces and toilets should be kept.
  • Hand sanitizers should be distributed and placed in noticeable locations, in gathering areas and corridors.
  • Air filters for ventilation devices, especially air conditioners, must be changed or cleaned periodically.
  • Ensure good ventilation.
  • The restaurants in facilities for cruises and sea activities should apply all restaurant protocols.
  • The facilities for cruises and sea activities should apply all mosque protocols regarding health requirements for the area designated for prayers.
  • Deactivate and disable interactive screens or advisor touch screens dedicated to clients.
  • The cruise booking system must be activated through websites, phone calls and other means to ensure that passengers are not crowded and to make them aware in advance about the nature of the disease, transmission ways and prevention measures.


Yacht, large and small ship cruises

  • Allow the use of full capacity and cancel social distancing.
  • Full compliance with the tourist accommodation protocols, as well as full compliance in all parts of the ship with the preventive protocols specified for similar activities on land (restaurants, cinemas, entertainment venues, water sports, and others).


Water sport activities such as diving, swimming, marine tanks, etc.

  • Regulator must disinfect swimming and diving equipment after each use.
  • With regard to swimming sports competitions, please refer to the protocols of exercises and gyms.


Reporting and monitoring symptoms

  • With the continuous screening and isolation procedures that occur according to the approved protocols, (Tawakkalna) application is used to ensure the employee’s health status concerning COVID-19 disease. If the employee’s status is positive or in contact with a positive case, all this will appear at the application, will not be allowed to enter the workplace.
  • The employee can return to work after he completely recovers and checking that by updating his status in Tawakkalna application.
  • Staff must disclose if they developed respiratory symptoms or fever
  • Report a case that has a high temperature or respiratory symptoms (cough or shortness of breath), and is suspected of having COVID-19 disease. Register the case’s data and contact numbers to transfer him to the hospital.
  • If a confirmed infection is registered among employees, the procedures and precautions mentioned in “The manual for dealing with suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 ” issued by the Public Health Authority must be applied.
  • If there is housing for workers, prepare and designate an isolation room for suspected cases in the residence, in order for them to be isolated, so that the competent authorities can communicate with them.


Awareness and communication

  • Awareness posters written in different languages should be posted at all entrances, near ticketing venues, and at visible places, and to include the following:
  1. Methods of disease transmission and prevention.
  2. Awareness of the importance of washing hands and avoiding touching the eyes, nose and mouth before washing hands, and urging attention to personal care and health care.
  3. Follow the etiquette of sneezing and coughing (use the tissue and dispose of it as soon as possible, use the elbow by bending the arm).
  • Promote the proper use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers among staff.



  • Place a panel that includes a statement of the violations and the method for reporting them.
  • Establish communication channels to report any breach of requirements and violations in order to avoid them.
  • Appointing supervisors to ensure that the requirements and guidelines are applied.
  • Conducting mandatory health and safety training concerning COVID-19 for all employees.


Appendix (1): Groups at higher risk of infection